The timeline is dependent upon the SALARY of the position which you want to obtain. For every $10,000 in salary you want to earn, expect for it to take ONE MONTH to obtain that position. For example: If you desire to earn $80K per year, then on average it will take you 8 months. If you desire to earn $120K per year, then on average it will take you 1 year. If you desire to earn $180K, then on average it will take you 18 months.
This ‘Rule of Thumb’ is not intended to knock the wind out of your sails, but to put the career journey in perspective. If you are employed and looking for your next opportunity, then it provides you an idea of how long you should stay put where you are, while you look for your next career. If you are not employed at this time, then you should realize a sense of urgency and how critical it is for you to meet with The Career Strategist™ and GET STARTED!