What is The Career Strategist’s Philosophy

One can easily summarize the philosophy of The Career Strategist™ in 4 simple words:
Eighty-five percent of salaried positions are filled through word-of-mouth and connections, in other words, that mysterious and intimidating process of ‘networking.’
Throughout Diane’s professional Career, she never secured an interview nor obtained a ‘job offer’ as the result of the bottomless Submit Button. Furthermore, because of Diane’s approach and strategies, she received a ‘job offer’ from every company she ever ventured to pursue or from those companies who ‘recruited’ her. This is not shared to impress you, but to impress upon you, the power of Connection, Strategy, Reputation and Persistence. These powers will always prevail over a computer algorithm intended to determine if you are the right PERSON for a position. Although Artificial Intelligence is applied when it comes to scanning resumes and facilitating personality assessments, they are simply tools. A computer does not possess a human pulse! Passion, values and connection are accomplished via human interaction and the ability to share your story with those who sit in the hiring seat! People hire people!
You NEED the third-party perspective of The Career Strategist™ because you are so close and emotionally connected to the outcome, that wise decision-making can become tainted or clouded.
The goal—or intention if you will—is to cut your Hunting2Hired™ process to HALF THE TIME it should take, based on the “Rule of Thumb” already shared.
You NEED the third-party perspective of The Career Strategist™ because you are so close and emotionally connected to the outcome, that wise decision-making can become tainted or clouded.
What you want to avoid is the need to repeat this Career-Search process again, say within the next 2 years! In the long run, it is not wise to accept a position when you know in your heart that it is NOT a fit with who you are, as a person. While it is tempting to think short-term, you will find yourself back on the hunt. Therefore, do yourself a favor and save yourself from the stress and disappointment of repeating the Career-Search process, in the very near future. Be persistent, patient and find and accept the position that you were meant to have!